All players must wear a CSA (Canadian Standards Association) approved helmet, CBHA approved hockey gloves and running shoes. Players under the age of 18 are required to wear full facial protection as well.

Although not mandatory, it is recommended that players wear elbow pads, athletic cup, soft knee pads and shin guards. As well, adult men and women should consider wearing facial protection to protect their eyes. Standard ice hockey sticks are used to play the game.

Seven types of balls are officially recognized for play by the CBHA. They vary colour in appearance and not much larger than a tennis ball.Balls are available in non liquid filled or liquid filled and are categorized according to the temperatire of play. A harder ball is recommended for warm climate play. A softer version is recommended for younger youth age groups and play during colder climates. CBHA member leagues must use either version manufactured by Knapper with the official CBHA logo. BCBHA uses the Knapper K231 Pro Fluid Orange for all sanctioned events.

A new line of ball hockey equipment is available by Knapper in cooperation with the CBHA, including a ball hockey gloves, padded shorts, shin pads etc.